Hi, y’all.

Welcome to my photography website. I love being behind a camera and sharing what I capture. Hope you have a nice stay!

Welcome Y'all!

Welcome Y'all!

Hi y’all!

My name is Kylie and I am a photographer in Houston. It has been a crazy couple of weeks with the virus and since I have been spending all my time at home I decided to redo my website. This has been long over due (in my mind) and I think this format will be a lot better for showcasing my work and adding new content in an easy and organized way.

So a little bit about me…I started pursing photography in high school thanks to my favorite teacher of all time Mr. Grimm! (Hi Grimm!!) I moved from DFW to Houston for college and went to the University of Houston. I majored in sports administration and minored in photography. I decided to stay in Houston after graduation but I still love you Dallas! I am currently working with a local Houston blogger and I am loving how creative I get to be everyday.

Below are a few photos that were taken by one of my best friends Keane for my graduation photos! She does all sorts of portrait sessions so go check her out for all your portrait needs or if you need someone to talk you into buying a bunch of stuff from Target that you don’t need LOL! (Love you Keane!!)

Well thanks so much for checking out my website! Leave a comment if you see something you like, send me an email if you would like to work together or to just say hi and follow me on instagram!


Destin, Florida

Destin, Florida